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Domain Name

Updated: Sep 10, 2020

Find the right name for your website!

Would you like to start your own business soon? ⠀

Yes, you will need a website. ⠀

First of all you need a name for your website.

It is called a DOMAIN NAME. ⠀

I recommend to think about your DOMAIN NAME at the same time as your business name.

Your domain for your website should be SHORT, SIMPLE and UNIQUE. ⠀

STEPS to find a great name:

1. Write down business name ideas.

2. Check your competitors online and find out if the name is already taken.

3. Find out if the name you are thinking of is available as a DOMAIN NAME.

For example go to GoDaddy and type the name into the filed in the top left corner.

Press 'enter' and it will show you if the name is available.

Which ending should you choose?

.com or .net or .org

If you are a local business and your clients are in Australia I recommend to choose ''. This way clients can recognise straight away you are a based in Australia.

If your clients are international you can choose either .com .net or .org.

'.com' is the most common used ending, your name with the ending '.com' might be not available anymore. You can then use endings like '.net' or '.org.'

Once you found an available domain name, I recommend to secure and buy it. It's usually around $10-$15/year.

Your website designer can later use this name and connect it with the designed website.

If you have any more questions. Please don't hesitate to contact Tigris Webdesign, Terrigal.

I am happy to help you with any website enquires.


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